What former trainees had to say...

Godfree McIntyre
Matthew Real Matthew Real

Godfree McIntyre

My name is Godfree McIntyre. I did 5 units of CPE with the CPSP program at Kaiser Napa Solano. It changed my life. I am now a hospice chaplain in the Sacramento area, and my learning in CPE has been invaluable to this work. I had struggled for years with trying to integrate my learning with my praxis as a minister, and with trying to reconcile my lived experience with my religious tradition. This training gave me the opportunity to critically reflect across all of those dimensions as well as to be deeply introspective. The theory I learned, and continue to learn, gives me the much-needed framework for my understanding of the soul restorative work of chaplaincy. This learning has also deepened and matured my capacity for ministry and personal relationship in a broader sense. I highly recommend this program for everyone who desires to be more effective in ministry and more grounded personally.

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Danielle Bailey
Matthew Real Matthew Real

Danielle Bailey

"The CPE/T training I received through The College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy at Kaiser Permanente, Napa-Solano, is second to none. It was both an honor and a privilege to train with some of the sharpest minds in the industry. The Chaplain Residents are provided with an abundance of resources which include numerous books and articles, seminars, and workshops, as well as weekly supervision and the cohort to ensure their utmost success. There is nothing easy about this program. Be prepared to be stretched to capacity and have everything you believe challenged. With that being said, my time in CPE was truly the most enriching experience of my life.

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Ruel Guerrero
Matthew Real Matthew Real

Ruel Guerrero

The most important lesson I learned through 4 units of CPE was cemented in through my journey to board certification—reading the living document—the patient. I had been in ministry for 33 years prior to CPE, of which 21 years was as an elder/pastor. Imagine all the baggage of being a spiritual leader that I brought in when I started chaplaincy. CPE helped me learn how to listen actively, empathize, support the patient in self-discovery, and step out of the way towards finding meaningful purpose.

Read more here: RuelGuerrero.com

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Jude Higgins
Matthew Real Matthew Real

Jude Higgins

My CPE Residency at Kaiser Napa/Solano under the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy was a catalyst for change and growth in many areas of my life. From the first day in the hospital, I was trained, mentored, and supervised by top CPE clinicians. I was also able to work with a team of palliative care doctors and social workers highly regarded in end-of-life patient care. In conjunction with my professional training, I was challenged to grow in spiritual, emotional, and intellectual ways that were raw, authentic, often painful, but always incredibly fruitful. My training allowed me to begin working soon after I completed. Currently, I work in Utah as a spiritual care clinician—PRN in a Children’s Hospital and full-time in hospice. This is by no means an easy program, and therefore, will not appeal to everyone, but if you are looking for training that will allow you to integrate your lived experiences, challenge you continuously, and contribute to your growth spiritually, then I highly recommend this program.

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